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Stick your notes to your sites

I have been amazed by a solution I never suspected : InterNote, an addon for Mozilla Firefox, which makes it possible to create notes on every page / website you often visit.

Many solutions have been provided for a better notes management experience, but most of them run from desktop or web interface.

In both cases, you would find yourself shortly with a considerable number of stickers, related to your online tasks and thoughts. This can be frustrating...

Thanks to InterNote, you can from now on stick your note on the right place, that's to say, on the appropriate web page (which can be your mailbox, your site, your calendar, ...) to which your note reffers. You will never lose your notes once created.

Some features I like about InterNote stickers :

(+) Fully customized.
(+) Fast to create and to load
(+) Can be shown on a particular URL, an entire website, on every page, and accordingly to other criteria.
(+) Can be easily imported and exported.

Developers are reactive to suggestions and feedback of users, the addon is continuously updated. (view all versions)

Regarding the increasing usage of portable and complementary devices like smartphones and tablet PCs, I hope that the upcoming version of the addon will help us to synchronize notes wherever we are, and to share them with our colleagues and friends.

Enjoy discovering !

Stick your notes to your sites Reviewed by Khalil Gdoura on February 06, 2011 Rating: 5

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