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Set up a media kit for your site (How to approach an advertiser ? #1)

In a web context, a media kit is a document which provides advertisers and ad-agencies with description of your site, its audience and its ads specifications and rates.

You can share your site's media kit on demand, but also you can include it in a mailing campaign in the case you are looking for new potential advertisers.

Consequently, you should provide an attractive and short presentation of accurate and complete information about your site. How to deal with this ? Let's go into details :

- Short description of your site including its age, its niche, etc.

- Ups and advantages of your site content / services, etc. Just be proud of yourself and your community to stand out from your competitors.

- Approximate traffic level : including monthly unique visits and page views, avergae time on site...

- Demographics : If you have verified data about age and gender of your visitors, don't hesitate to indicate it. This information helps you to underline how suitable is your site to your customer's products. Usage of percentages would be easier to understand.

- Advertising specifications : If you sell banners, precise acceptable sizes and formats, locations, and any other description. Linking this information to a screenshot of your site will be great for visualization.
Besides, you may include your advertising rates.

- Contact information : your email address and your phone number would be enough.

How reliable you are ?

Don't hesitate to mention "warranties" about the reliability of your tracking data. If you are an analytics package reseller or certified, say it. If you have testimonials from your customers, share them.

What if advertiser can be lazy to read all that information

Especially when you send your site media kit, your recipient would be less likely to open your mail or to finish reading it.
You should call a graphic designer who :

- Makes a reduced and smart presentation of all information above.
- Considers likely updates and additional information and then provides you a suitable customized template.

Below a media kit example done for recent project

Set up a media kit for your site (How to approach an advertiser ? #1) Reviewed by Khalil Gdoura on October 23, 2010 Rating: 5


  1. Merci pour ce post, je commence à mieux comprendre comment je devrais procéder! Mais je ne sais pas si j'ai les capacités techniques pour créer ce genre de media kit...

  2. En lisant ton commentaire, je suis motivé de revenir sur les solutions faciles à manier pour créer un médiakit et autres documents semblables, dans un prochain billet, Merci ! :)


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