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The one way to overcome “Blank Page Anxiety” when you can’t escape

“Writer’s Block I” by Drew Coffman on Flickr. Licensed under CC BY 2.0.

How many times have you been there, staring at your blank page or file, typing, erasing, chasing your words and ideas to start your post, your perfect, catching and unique one. The more you look after your magical introduction, the more you feel challenged.

Meanwhile, that immaculate paper facing you may look overwhelming as the minutes go by. You might even feel in short of inspiration. However, you always end up publishing your piece honoring your plans or tasks.. How the heck did you come over this, over and over again ? Which secret do you hold ?

As simple as it seems, you just let go.. your pen, as if it were guiding you through a river.. You follow and you trust an unplanned journey, no more questions, no more preparation. [Read more on Medium]
The one way to overcome “Blank Page Anxiety” when you can’t escape Reviewed by Khalil Gdoura on May 22, 2020 Rating: 5

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