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Quick Thoughts | When you are trapped in Perfectionism

(follow up) .. Looking back over my beginnings as a publisher committed to write daily, i realize that I was trapped by the very rules i set myself. Every time my schedule was "disturbed" by some task, I felt bad about it as I was not fully enjoying the gems brought by those activities "interfering" with my planning. Two explanations so far :
- Either I forgot that I was my own boss,
- Or, that boss was overly perfectionist.

In any case, I missed the graceful Flexibility I could offer myself. Perfectionism was stronger, deeply rooted, until I wondered..

Why not giving it a different, healthy meaning ? Allowing myself to juggle with my time and routines day after day, Isn't it the pinnacle of perfection? I admit, I will never reach it, however this new perception has been by far funnier and more rewarding in terms of creativity, efficiency and.. peace of mind!
Quick Thoughts | When you are trapped in Perfectionism Reviewed by Khalil Gdoura on September 10, 2020 Rating: 5

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