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About Organizing

I would like to write down what I think about this trait : Organizing. More than a simple routine, it means too much for me.

By organizing, I mean every technique, method, software and any other tool helping to get a better and faster access to files, information, documents, and any interesting resource likely to be used one day.

Due to the unmatched amount of data coming from the worldwide web, I have been trying different solutions given by managing software solutions, notes and post-it programs, etc.

Honestly, I don't longer need to make much effort to organize my data sets and files. This is due to the everlasting evolution of software, which becomes actually friendly. As a result, I have felt much more comfortable, productive and pleased to work on any task. However, there is something I should notice : There is no a unique solution nor a definitive one which suits your needs.

For example, when you constantly work on different projects, it's better that you immediately evaluate the layout of your notes, bookmarks, resources, etc.

The problem lies everytime I start to experience some lateness or any incovenience while performing some task. It's all about organizing, seems to be obvious, but you should keep an eye on your habits. Yet, I do repete this to myself, because job must never become boring.

To be continued with concrete examples

About Organizing Reviewed by Khalil Gdoura on November 24, 2009 Rating: 5

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