How to track outgoing links
You installed Google Analytics tracking code on your pages or template, and you started to enjoy detailed insights of your website usage.
However, you still need extra statistics regarding elements such as flash, videos, or simply outgoing links which don't include your tracking code.
To achieve this, Google Analytics provides a javascript function as follows :
< href=""> onclick="javascript: pageTracker._trackPageview('/outgoing/your-partner-com');" >
Simply add the onClick function next to your outgoing link. That's all!
Now, you will be able to keep an eye on all what your visitors do inside your website. Also, this smart code can help you to impress your advertisers or partners, giving them in a reliable way how much of your visitors are interested in them.
Note that Joomla includes a banners module which calculates the total clicks on ads.Though, Google Analytics onClick function can be used whatever is your site or blog.
Next example on how to track videos. Stay tuned!
Now, you will be able to keep an eye on all what your visitors do inside your website. Also, this smart code can help you to impress your advertisers or partners, giving them in a reliable way how much of your visitors are interested in them.
Note that Joomla includes a banners module which calculates the total clicks on ads.Though, Google Analytics onClick function can be used whatever is your site or blog.
Next example on how to track videos. Stay tuned!
How to track outgoing links
Reviewed by Khalil Gdoura
February 21, 2010
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