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Tounsia is 5 years old (part 1) : something has changed, for good !

It has been a long time since I last blogged about my first love, Tounsia, my very first experience in the web entrepreneurship world.

This online media project has never been stuck to a specific business model or strictly defined editorial guidelines, rather, Tounsia aimed at being the voice of its community as it began.

As stated before, the website was expected to bring the opinions of the Tunisian Women, citizen before all, as opposite to the former regime's propaganda promoting women's rights without civil society contribution. [read more..]

That approach was successful to an extent, going from a stirring up Facebook forum bringing quality and in-depth conversation around gender issues and social norms. 

However, going from a Facebook social media to a completely independent platform was a big challenge : How to compete with a such big social media in which Tunisian Internet users - majority of website's subscribers - spend most of their time online ? Year after year, Facebook kept on developing new easy and exciting features such as Facebook community pages, group chats, etc. making the experience within the network even more enjoyable and attractive. 

We had no choice but to invest in our presence on Facebook page, by simply promoting articles published on our website, Facebook has become somehow the principal gate - along with Google - to our website content.. and there was an undoubted surprise waiting for us.. 

After two years of sustained efforts on Facebook page promotion (feel free to read my first impressions regarding social paid advertising), we have found ourselves in the urge to develop a brand new website in order to satisfy the rising demands of the community of up to 200 new talents and columnists.

What happened ? What changed ? I will be excited to share some lessons learnt from the past 3 years of content and community management. First things first.. behind any success story, there is dreams, and in the between, there are odds and lessons to be learnt and which we will review in the next post of this series.
Stay tuned !
Tounsia is 5 years old (part 1) : something has changed, for good ! Reviewed by Khalil Gdoura on October 09, 2015 Rating: 5

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